An Insight into Chipotle Ads.
Published on May 28, 2004 By Casey Quick In
I've never been interested in advertising, but I do find myself watching it often. I continuously note billboards,and whether or not I think they are really stupid, or really brilliant, or just really annoying. I have in the past wondered the point of some billboards ... For example, there is a billboard (I forgot which college its for) but it says "Our Graduates can spell Sesquicentennial" I noticed it while I was in the car with my boyfriend, and I said it was a really stupid billboard. I asked what the point was, and how it was effective to marketing, to which he replied "Well, you're talking about it aren't you?" GOOD. POINT. I no longer question advertisements, I simply form opinions about them. I won't argue whether or not they serve as an effective marketing tool.

HOWEVER. Chipotle ads? Amazing. They are so brilliant and so funny. They make me smile every time I see one, and I dont think its just because I am obsessed with Chipotle. They are just really funny. I was browsing their website today (Trying to see if theres any way to scam a free burrito at the one opening by my house) and looking through the various parts of their site when I came to the section that has all of their advertisements on it. The Radio Commercials aren't as catchy as the print ads (although some of them are amusing.. Most are country song parodies about burritos or guacomole) But the billboards, bus ads, etc.. are just insane. They don't have to do anything besides show a burrito and throw down a catchy phrase and they're effective in making you laugh, think, and I'm sure if you're susceptible to chipotles charms.. making you run right out the door to get one.

Check them all out at and click the section that says "Play"

Notable favorites of mine include "Donde esta la casa de BIG-ASS burritos?", "If you Come, We will build it.", "Foil Shizzle", and "Taking one Home? Borrow a Pick up."

In other news, I believe June 3rd is the day that Chipotle is hosting their food drive.. check it out in your area, but I think if you bring in something like 2 cans of food or two food items, you get your burrito free. There are 4 Chipotles in my area.. I have my day planned out. A burrito for breakfast, a burrito for lunch, and healthy... I mean.. a Burrito for dinner. And.. A burrito for my nighttime snack. Mmmmm yeah.

on May 28, 2004
If you come we will build it... some how this sounds like my sex life, I come they get up pised off and go and build themselves a fucking sandwich.... somehow it always involved using my name with a mixture of curse words and a knife... btw my name is not mayo and mustard... let me just clearify that.

on May 28, 2004
Hmm.. Random.. but okay.
on Jun 01, 2004
"Donde esta la casa de BIG-ASS burritos?",

My mom is obsessed with chipolte, we better keep you two away from eachother when you are both hungry!
on Jun 01, 2004
I wish I had known that, thats AMAZING. Dude..
on Jun 01, 2004
I don't know how actually AMAZING it is that two people like to eat at the same place..... but okay
on Jun 02, 2004
I only eat it like two times a week.... We will put it on the next scrapbook weekend.

About the food drive, I work at a food shelf and we really need things like toothpaste, cleaning supplies, laundry soap, tuna, spag. sauce and noodles. If you buy the Arm and Hammer laundry soap it is like $2 at Target for a box, so you could save like 3 or 4 bucks on a burrioto.

Thomas, get a cock ring, it will make you last longer.
on Jun 02, 2004
HAHAH Wow I cant really believe you said that.

Thanks for the info.. I wonder if Chipotle will accept stuff like that? All it says on the form at the restaurant is "2 non perishable food items" so.. we'll see.
on Jun 08, 2004
"Thomas, get a cock ring, it will make you last longer"

MOTHER! I can't belive you even know what that is.... wow